Scan Item

Scan Item

When a business card is sent to the Scanning Queue and scanned, a scan item record is created. This record contains the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results for the business card and any added attachments and activities.

Each scan item record displays the OCR results, Consent & Purpose, Activities, and Scan Image(s). The default fields on the Scan Item page layout are:

  • CampaignId
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Account
  • Company
  • Office Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Website
  • Address Street
  • Address City
  • Address State
  • Address Zip
  • Address Country
  • Type
  • Processed
  • Owner
  • Notes
  • Created By
  • Last Modified By

The Scan Item Name field is an auto-number field used to uniquely identify each record. The Processed field is a checkbox that indicates whether a record has been processed as a contact or lead.

Consent & Purpose

If a consent signature was captured with a business card scan, it will be stored in a consent record when sent to the Scanning Queue. This consent record will be linked to the scan item record and displayed in the Consent & Purpose related tab.

The Signature image will be displayed in the Scan Image lightning web component.

Create a Lead

After reviewing the OCR results and making any necessary updates, the Scan Item record can be processed as a Lead. When a scan item record is processed as a Lead, a new Lead record is created with the information from the scan item record, and the Processed field on the scan item record is marked with a checkmark. Once a scan item record is processed, it cannot be processed again unless the Processed field is updated to remove the checkmark.

The Scanning Queue follows your organization’s duplicate rules to ensure data integrity

By default, only the standard scan item fields are mapped to the Lead object. Any custom fields added to the Scan Item object will require corresponding fields on the Lead object and must be mapped using Scan Lead Mapping. Data from fields that are not mapped will not be transferred to the new Lead record.

Create a Contact

After reviewing the OCR results and making any necessary updates, the Scan Item record can be processed as a Contact. When a scan item record is processed as a Contact, a new contact record is created with the information from the scan item record, and the Processed field on the scan item record is marked with a checkmark. Once a scan item record is processed, it cannot be processed again unless the Processed field is updated to remove the checkmark.

The Scanning Queue follows your organization’s duplicate rules to ensure data integrity. 

By default, only the standard scan item fields are mapped to the Contact object. Any custom fields added to the Scan Item object will require corresponding fields on the Contact object and must be mapped using Scan Contact Mapping. Data from fields that are not mapped will not be transferred to the new Contact record.
