Upgrading the Vision-e Scan Salesforce Package

Why You Should Upgrade

Upgrading to the Vision-e Scan package means that you will be able to take advantage of our latest and most advanced features, which are designed to enhance your scanning experience. These features include improved accuracy, faster scanning times, and better image quality. Additionally, the upgrade will include any bug fixes that have been identified since the last release, ensuring that your scanning process remains as smooth and error-free as possible. Finally, the upgrade will also include stability improvements, providing you with a more reliable and efficient scanning solution. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and take your scanning to the next level, upgrading to the Vision-e Scan package is the way to go.

You can find details about our latest features and download the most recent version of the Vision-e Scan package here.

Upgrading the Vision-e Scan Salesforce AppExchange package involves a series of steps designed to ensure that your Salesforce environment benefits from the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes offered by the new version of the package. Follow this guide to smoothly upgrade the Vision-e Scan package in your Salesforce org:

Step 1: Prepare for the Upgrade

  • Review Release Notes: Before starting the upgrade process, it's crucial to review the release notes for the new version of Vision-e Scan. This will provide you with an overview of new features, enhancements, critical fixes, and any specific instructions or prerequisites required for the upgrade.
  • Check System Requirements: Ensure that your Salesforce org meets the system requirements for the new version of Vision-e Scan. This includes Salesforce edition compatibility, required Salesforce permissions, and any third-party integrations.
  • Backup Data: Although upgrading a package typically does not affect your data, it is a best practice to back up your Salesforce data, including records and configurations related to the Vision-e Scan app.

Step 2: Access the Upgrade Link

  • Find the Package on AppExchange: Go to Salesforce AppExchange and search for the Vision-e Scan package. On the package's listing page, you will find information about the latest version available for installation.
  • Get Upgrade Link: The upgrade process can be initiated directly from the AppExchange listing. Look for the "Get It Now" button.

Step 3: Install the Upgrade

  • Choose Installation Environment: When prompted, select whether you want to install the upgrade in your production environment or a sandbox environment. It's recommended to perform the upgrade in a sandbox environment first to test the new version without affecting your live data and processes.
  • Grant Access Permissions: During the installation process, you may be asked to grant access permissions for the package. Carefully review these permissions to ensure they align with your organization's security policies.
  • Complete Installation Wizard: Follow the prompts in the installation wizard to complete the upgrade. This may involve selecting the users or profiles within your organization who will have access to the Vision-e Scan app.

Step 4: Post-Upgrade Steps

  • Verify Installation: After the upgrade is complete, verify that the new version of Vision-e Scan is installed correctly by checking the installed packages list in your Salesforce org's setup area.
  • Configure New Features: If the new version includes additional features or changes that require configuration, make sure to complete these steps to take full advantage of the upgrade.
  • Test Functionality: Test the upgraded Vision-e Scan app to ensure that all features, including scanning and OCR capabilities, are working as expected. This is especially important if you're using custom configurations or integrations.

Step 5: Rollout to Users

  • Update Documentation: If there are significant changes or new features in the upgraded app, update any internal documentation or user guides to reflect these changes.
  • Train Users: Provide training or communication to users about the new features and any changes in how to use the Vision-e Scan app effectively.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth upgrade process for the Vision-e Scan Salesforce AppExchange package, allowing your organization to benefit from enhanced scanning and OCR capabilities within Salesforce.

A step-by-step guide can be found below.
